Luciano Di Marco
Luciano Di Marco is 22 years old and currently in his third year in Fashion Design at NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti (New Academy of Fine Arts).
His field of research concentrates on genderlessness and his pieces of clothing blur the line between femininity and masculinity. In his collections the distinction between man and woman dissolves thanks to the shapes and cuts of the garments. Genderlessness drives his personal aesthetic and is what prompts him to seek out that harmoniousness that makes an object special. Another prerequisite for him is sustainability as evidenced by the finesse of the fabrics.
All Luciano's efforts are directed towards delivering a statement of responsibility for the end consumer without betraying the aesthetic canons which make the designs of his collections so visually striking.

EVO® by Fulgar
For his partnership with Fulgar, Luciano drew inspiration from a historical event which heavily impacted the whole world - the Chernobyl disaster.
It is the intrinsic conflict between this terrible accident and his concept of sustainability that led to the creation of this padded piece of outerwear. Designed to protect, this garment is meant for an agender person who was born for a suspended future that might never go away (as history books teach us).
The shuttle-woven fabric was produced by Limonta. It is a hi-tech fabric made from the 100% bio-based EVO® yarn by Fulgar and its weightlessness is belied by its resistance and excellent coverage and is the perfect complement to the minimalist design; the zips provided by NYGUARD are completely bio-based and also made from 10,10 polyamide.