Yan Zhewen
Yan Zhewen is 22 years old. She studied in Shanghai and is currently in her third year of Fashion Design at NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti (New Academy of Fine Arts).
Since she first began studying, she understood that fashion must be seen as a mode of expression for our individuality.
Drawing inspiration from surrounding objects, their intrinsic meaning and the feelings they arouse in us, Yan builds her collections around the all-important theme of sustainability.
Her interest in all things environmental was awakened back in China when she realised that the clothing industry in her homeland was one of the most harmful in the world.
As far as Yan is concerned, sustainability goes beyond respect for the environment, it also means being accountable to customers who want to know how and where items are made.

The title of the project (which may seem contradictory in terms) is lnfinito (the Infinite) as in the poem by the Italian poet Giacomo Leopardi. His verses led the emerging designer to seek out a relationship between infinite space and the limited imagination of mankind, causing her to reflect on the capacity of our imagination.
How much can humankind actually imagine? And of all that we can imagine, what can become true and what can never really be achieved? Do other dimensions actually exist? And if they do, can we travel through them? What sensations might we feel?
Yan likes to believe that other dimensions do exist and that each one is different to another. Her viewpoint helped to create the garment with the collaboration of Fulgar.
By modifying textiles, she experimented with various kinds of three-dimensional effects.
The garment taps into a sportswear aesthetic; it has a few unfussy details whilst the design is practical and linear.
Although it is a parka jacket, it has been so designed that it can be upended and turned into a backpack.
The fabric chosen by the young designer is a knitted material produced by Jackytex, a jersey made using the recycled polyamide 6.6 yarn Q-NOVA® by Fulgar; the fabric has a weightiness that makes it versatile and highly suited to its multifunctional design; the interior padding comes in recycled polyester courtesy of Thermore.